App ideas that we believe can disrupt the Tech world
Presenting here some next generation App ideas that we believe can change the way people are using tech products right now. We've created prototype designs for all these ideas and also figured out technical architecture for the same. So if you have an App idea that is similar or exactly like the ones listed here, let us know and we will be able to convert that into real App or digital product faster than anyone else. Any other idea, let us know again!
Some of our concept works
Some of our Best work that we are Proud of! With a Portfolio of 1000 + Mobile Apps, Web Apps, games and desktop software, Agicent is Awarded as Top App Company 2021 by Mobile App Daily. We work with Startups (like HASfit, Wellcure, SmartIRX), Established Companies (like Anton Paar GmBH, State Restaurant Equipment Inc) and also Giants (Like Tata Consultancy Services) and create superior Apps and Digital products everytime.
Crypto Currency app Idea
An App that allows you to transact using crypto and NFT not only in their respective market places but also in "conventional marketplaces". Essentially a wallet App for crypto and currency transactions, account balance across all crypto services, transaction histories and then integration with your regular currency bank account. This App would be done using blockchain on the backend and front-end tech (react native or flutter, or native) for the front-end Apps.
Edu-tech app idea
Think of Duolingo but for Educational learning. Using the power of technology, Artificial intelligence we can have an App where the AI will teach on various subjects to the student. This Edu-Tech app can track student's progress, assess them and then alter the courses in a highly personalized way. This App would know the student as good as their personal teacher would and start teaching and suggesting and motivating according to the caliber and learning abilities of the student. It can start with basics and can take the user to PhD level.
True Depth 3D Scanning App Idea
Consider creating an App with high capabilities of the True Depth 3D scanning which can improve and enhance the Augmented Reality experiences, improve facial recognition and then authentication that can help with KYC across all security-concerned Apps (banking apps and more), Medical imaginary without using expensive diagnostic devices, and also in the 3D printing. Highly improved 3D scanning camera and apps have no limit of innovation.
Home Automation App Idea
Home Automation Apps of future wouldn't just control your lightening or appliances but also let you plan and execute your day in a better way. It can create healthy menus for you and your family and can actually prepare for that, can alert you for the groceries in advance and can help you by telling your hours studying, in front of TV, on phone and much more than that. Controlling of Appliances is just its first step and its gotta go long way.
Fintech App Idea
Tired of using multiple Apps for multiple banks and financial institutions? Meet the new age Fintech Apps that will work for all your financial products at one place. A single App to give you the summary of all your finances, assets, liabilities and then ability to transact back and forth from the same App. Your credit score assessment, your loan application, your insurance policies, your crypto and NFT account – All in one place in the new world Fintech Apps.
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Gig economy App Idea
As per Assocham, Gig economy is going to be around USD 455 billion by 2024 which is growing at 17 % per annum and this is just India, we can safely multiply it by 5 to see a multi trillion gig economy market in the world by 2024. A next generation Gig economy app would allow you to list down all the products, services and skills that you can sell even not being a business but as an individual and others can buy it as a business or individual alike anywhere from the world. The major services to be offered in gig economy would be design services, software, writing, creative art, p2p renting of tools/ items, clothing rental and much more.
Human motion capture app
An App that can capture your motion will be highly useful in the field of sportstech that always strive to be better at biomechanics tracking, in the medical field for better diagnose, rehab and recovery and then in surveillance and security and policing departments as well. The Coaches in sports will use it to better know their athletes capabilities and train accordingly, the police and defense can use it to capture activities of suspects and also to train their force better and then mentalists can use it to read mind and body language.
Video Editing App Idea
One still needs a desktop video editing software in order to edit a video like a professional. The next wave of video editing app riding on higher processing power of the mobile devices will enable video creators to do cinema level editing right from the mobile app itself. Integrate modern video editing apps with AI and boom, you'll have half of the redundant video polishing/ cleaning etc done even before you start manual editing.
Telemedicine App Idea
Telemedicine Apps are not a new concept, however integrate it with IoT medical devices ranging from monitoring to diagnostic devices and see the magic happening. The patient care can go to a whole new level with the integration of IOT with Telemedicine and doctors can remotely monitor, manage and heal their patients. As mentioned before, throw in some motion detector and 3D scanning capabilities and most of the mild to regular hospital cases may start getting healed at home itself under supervision of a remote competent doctor.
Fitness App Idea
We've may be hundreds of thousands of fitness apps as of today and the new ones will keep coming. Integration of fitness app is already happening with wearable fitness devices like watches and bands and its going to only grow from here. Apps that will reward you with real money if you do better workout and diet can be a thing of the future or may the apps that can fine you or change your credit score on the basis of your fitness activity is just a starting point and can to any level to encourage one to be the best fittest version of themselves.