It has been a long and pressing question about whether one should go for React Native or get the app natively developed. Well, since the mobile application industry exploded there have been a multitude of applications that are developed. One wouldn’t hesitate to say that many multi-billionaire industries are actually apps. One great example of that would be Facebook. Although, there are plenty in the list. Therefore, without wasting much time lets deep dive into our topic of React Native vs iOS Native Development.
iOS Native Development
It can be referred to as developing an iOS application from scratch. Another way of saying it would to specifically develop an application for iOS as a platform. Majority of time the language that is used in the development is Swift. In fact, if you wish to start creating your first application then Apple has provided the entire documentation. Previously, a lot of developers used Objective-C considering the language has been there for a while and has a much larger community. Although modern problems need modern solutions, therefore, Swift came into being. It won’t be wrong to say but Swift can also be called the official language of developing iOS apps natively.
- Performance: Well, it is a well-stated fact native applications are faster in comparison. This happens because native code has direct access to the host’s computer.
- User Interface: If we talk about the integration of applications with the mobile operating system then the applications made are of rich quality. It is because they are similar to the actual OS interface, therefore, the experience feels a little seamless.
- Better Ranking: Talking about the overall experience of the application then it directly affects the rating. The better the ratings, the better will be the experience and the ranking. It has been seen that native applications have a higher chance of getting better since they have better performance and a better experience.
- Offline Capabilities: Well, it mostly depends on your application though. But, it is entirely possible to access features of a native application even when you are offline.
- UI control: One of the bigger problems is the maintenance of aspect ratios. Since most of the applications are downloaded to different devices, it becomes necessary that it is maintained well to provide better image quality. iOS has a feature called Auto Layout that does the work for you. Also, one can control the DPI(dots per inch) of your application. Having control at this level can get you better control on your app and effective screen utilisation.
- Cost: Applications that are developed natively are generally more costly since they are developed from the ground up. Also, one cannot use the same code for different platforms, therefore, the application needs to be designed specifically for every platform. This, in turn, requires more resources and therefore the cost is high.
- Time: Well, creating an app natively is a time-consuming task. Also, when you are developing an app for more than one platform then it takes a similar amount of time.
- Slow Updation: If you have an app for more than one platform then it will also take more time to update it. Since we have to specifically make changes to each and every version of the app. Also, different platforms can take different time to execute a particular feature.
Examples of App Developed Using Native iOS: Bloomberg, Airbnb, Facebook Ads Manager, Skype, Myntra(most of these applications do take the benefit of frameworks but they mostly use it for smaller features that are common throughout the platforms).
React Native
It was said by the CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg that it was their mistake to rely on HTML5. Therefore, React Native came into being. It is an open-source cross-platform framework that is used to create hybrid applications. The framework was conceived on March 15 2015. Currently, the framework is running its 0.61.5 and has a decent community. Since React Native has evolved from ReactJS, therefore, the language that is used to develop it is Javascript. Javascript, on one hand, is a very popular language and has a very big community. The framework is being heavily used in the industry and has been adopted by many major applications including Facebook(for which it was specially created).
- Time: Well, it is an unprecedented truth that development in a cross-platform framework is faster. One reason for that is the code sharing between multiple platforms. Also, the Hot Reload makes testing your changes easy while saving time on the other hand.
- Performance & Efficiency: Well, it does depend on your application though. But apps created by React Native perform well because of the native controls and modules. The code created is rendered using Native APIs which affect the speed of your app positively.
- Components: Multiple components are already present in the framework. This makes the development faster since not everything needs to be created from scratch.
- Community: React Native has a decent community, unlike many frameworks who are either growing or obsolete.
- Reliability: The builds that are created using the framework are quite reliable. This has been achieved by making the binding of data simplified and discreet. For instance, if you are making changes to the child elements then it won’t affect the parent element. This also makes the update process easier. Also, Facebook themself is using this framework so talking about reliability is certainly out of the question.
- Experience: The applications made using the framework works without any flaw. It is often undetectable to find out whether the app has been natively developed or using React Native(at least to a certain extent).
- Less Code: Well in case of using React Native, one needs to write less code since that can be applied to all the platforms. This also means that one can work with fewer resources and a smaller team.
- Performance: Well going for a cross-platform framework is a bargain. The performance is decent but certainly not at par with native.
- Native Code: It is an excellent platform but that doesn’t mean that it is complete in itself. It still needs one to write native code. Also, the amount of code reusability depends on your application and the features used by it.
- Component Collection: The readymade components that are provided have a small collection. They might increase in the future that doesn’t mean that it will reciprocate with what you had in mind.
- Steep Curve: If you are a beginner at learning the framework then it can be a little difficult for many. It uses Javascript which can be difficult for some people to master.
- Security: Javascript is one of the most attacked languages(popularity often comes with its drawbacks). Therefore, the app made may not be as secure as one might think. The attacks can generally be more intrusive if you are using third party add-ons.
- Memory Management: Well, the language that is used itself is not suited to take heavy loads. One can not make heavily operational apps using Javascript, this generally creates issues with memory and management.
Examples of App Developed Using React Native: Facebook, Gyroscope, UberEats, Discord, Instagram etc.
Why the comparison between React Native vs iOS Native Development?
This has been a long and entailing question that is often asked by many. The moment someone thinks of getting an application, this is one of the few questions that people have in mind to ask. Although, it is quite necessary to ask since there is a reasonable difference between React Native vs iOS Native Development. The story mostly ends at how much time do you have and what is your budget. As mentioned before getting a native app gets you a seamless experience. Although below are some reasons why someone would go for something.
- If you have limited time and money then it is better to go for React Native.
- If you have one of it, either time or money then also it is better to go for React Native.
- If you need a better performing application without any hindrance at all then go for iOS Native Development.
- If you are working on a small app idea with not much of customisation then go for React Native.
- If you wish to launch an application on multiple platforms with minimal budget go for React Native.
- If you wish to introduce complex features then go for native development.
- If you wish to update your application regularly and have a smaller in-house team then go for React Native.
- If you wish to take advantage of great features like Hot Reload then go for React Native.
- If you wish to take maximum advantage of the user’s device then go native.
- If you wish to make a similar application for both platforms then go React Native.
- If you wish to seek longevity and avoid being dependent on Facebook for updates then go Native.
Neck to Neck Comparison of React Native vs iOS Native
Ease of development: If we talk about both the languages then both of them come up with their own challenges. React Native is an upgraded version of ReactJS that uses Javascript as a language. It is among the most popular languages ever made. Although, being Javascript it is often pretty hard to handle. We do use Swift in Native development but in case of React Native also you need some amount of native code. Therefore, it is better to be a native developer-first than being a standalone framework developer. Although, one challenge one might have to face is the fact that native development requires Apple devices for the task.
Speed of development: The major USP of React Native is that it is faster to develop apps using it in comparison to native. Native Development requires different code for different platforms. This makes the development slow. Also, the updates and determination of bugs take equal amounts of time. This often requires a bigger team if they wish to create it natively in a definite short period.
Maintenance of Code: There is more to maintain in case of native code. Although, if we talk about react-native teams then also we have to deal with some amount of native code. Also, it is often a proven fact that teams for Android and iOS are often separate. Therefore, it happens that the React Native team will take more time to maintain.
Community: Rather than calling it a community, it will be better to call the community of iOS Native Developer a creed. Of course, React Native is a major platform but developers have gone through the phase of developing natively. Also, vice-versa is not generally applicable.
Future upgrades: As discussed before the difference between React Native and Native teams. Therefore, it is adamant that native development is easier to update because of code consistency. Also, the latter uses Javascript which is not an easier language to handle.
Third-Party Libraries & Hardware: This is the reason people often go for Native Development. React Native offers all the major stuff and more common libraries. Although, the update of the framework is on the behest of Facebook. Also, Facebook isn’t doing anything additional to grow the framework. They make changes to the framework for Facebook and that’s about it. Also, native applications are capable of taking major advantages of the devices and the mobile operating systems.
Security: Here also the advantage goes to native development. Javascript being a very popular language is more vulnerable. Also, if you have not been careful from the very beginning, it can often make the overall architecture more prone to intrusion. On the other hand, Swift is saved because not many people know how to develop in it.
Ability to scale up: This is another advantage of native development. With React Native, it is only possible till the time Facebook keeps on updating the framework. Although, they have no such planning of doing so.
Cost: This is one big reason people often tend to choose to React Native. The amount of cost-sharing leads to less code for each and every platform. This reduces the cost of the whole development project. Also, you get applications that are compatible with different platforms.
Documentation: Documentation is the roadmap to development. React Native is well documented while on the other hand Swift also is well covered from Apple’s side.
Factors | iOS Native Development | React Native |
Ease of Development | *** | **** |
Speed of Development | ** | ***** |
Maintenance of Code | ***** | **** |
Community | ***** | *** |
Future Upgrades | ***** | *** |
Third Party Libraries & Hardware | ***** | ** |
Security | **** | *** |
Ability to Scale Up | ***** | ** |
Cost | ** | **** |
Documentation | *** | *** |
Note: The ratings for these factors have been provided by our employees who have been working in iOS development. These ratings have been averaged out and totally depends on the personal perspective of the developers we asked to rate.
When to Choose React Native?
If we are to compare React Native with Native Development then the reason to choose one of it has been made quite clear. Although, choosing React Native over other frameworks is another very important question to answer. As developed by one of the biggest companies in the world “Facebook”, the chances of getting regular updates seem more consistent. Also, the framework uses native APIs which means applications created using React Native are relatively good.
The framework also provides faster development because of its capability to produce reusable code. Also, the collection of components that are provided adds to the speed. Also, it can benefit people who want similar apps for multiple platforms. The updates are faster to integrate and most importantly it provides features like Hot Reload that makes testing on the go very easy. It also has a strong community and works well and it is not going anywhere at least for a couple of years to come.
When to Choose iOS Native Development?
There are a plethora of reasons why one should go for iOS Native Development. A lot of big companies who are even using React Native start with native. They use frameworks for smaller features or small sections of an app to make work fast. On top of that native apps are more secure since they directly work with the OS layers. The development may be slow but the applications created are of superior quality. Also, since native apps are devised for platforms then they perform better platform-specific.
Most of the vetted developers can also take advantage of it and can provide you with a highly functional app. They are also faster to integrate because of their platform specificity. And, if you are thinking of taking advantage of hardware then it gets you access to everything. The UI/UX is also a lot better and one can make changes accordingly as per the platform requirement. On top of that these applications are highly scalable and better customised. Overall, the decision to create an iOS native application is not unfathomable.
Before we wrap up our conversation about React Native vs iOS Native Development, it is important to say our final words over the topic. See whatever you wish to do depends completely on what you want. Native applications are definitely better but this doesn’t mean that one can overlook the ease provided by React Native. On the other hand, a lot of people, in the beginning, start from native and further use Frameworks for smaller features. Although, vice-versa is also possible since React Native also includes some amount of native code. It is important your needs first then act on this. That will give you the answer that what kind of application is more suited to your situation right now.
So this was our thought on the topic React Native vs iOS Native Development. If you have any suggestion for our blog then you can comment down below. Also, we are an app development company and if you are looking for one then maybe we can help. To send us an enquiry mail us at [email protected]. We have also written an article about Netflix Original Anime Series list, therefore to check it out click on the link provided. You can also Learn More – How to develop an eCommerce mobile app by clicking on the link provided. We hope this article may have been of some help to you. Also, thank you for reading it until the end.